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[NOI2007 Day1] 货币兑换 Cash

vijos P1508 / BZOJ 1492








program cash;//orz cdqconst eps=0.000000001;      maxn=100010;type typeq=record             k,a,b,r:real;             pos:longint;           end;     typep=record             x,y:real;           end;var i,j,n,s:longint;    //a,b,r:array[1..100000] of longint;    f:array[0..maxn] of real;    q,nq:array[1..maxn] of typeq;    p,np:array[1..maxn] of typep;    st:array[1..maxn] of longint;function max(a,b:real):real;begin  if a>b then exit(a) else exit(b);end;procedure qsort(l,r:longint);var i,j:longint;    mid:real;    temp:typeq;begin  i:=l;j:=r;mid:=q[(l+r) div 2].k;  while i<=j do    begin      while q[i].k<mid do inc(i);      while q[j].k>mid do dec(j);      if i<=j then        begin          temp:=q[i];q[i]:=q[j];q[j]:=temp;          inc(i);dec(j);        end;    end;  if i<r then qsort(i,r);  if j>l then qsort(l,j);end;function getk(a,b:longint):real;begin  if a=0 then exit(-maxlongint+1);  if b=0 then exit(maxlongint);  if (p[a].x-p[b].x<=eps) and (p[a].x-p[b].x>=-eps) then exit(-maxlongint+1);  exit((p[a].y-p[b].y)/(p[a].x-p[b].x));end;procedure solve(l,r:longint);var mid,l1,l2,top,i,j:longint;begin  if l=r then    begin      f[l]:=max(f[l-1],f[l]);      p[l].y:=f[l]/(q[l].a*q[l].r+q[l].b);      p[l].x:=p[l].y*q[l].r;      exit;    end;  mid:=(l+r) div 2;l1:=l;l2:=mid+1;  for i:=l to r do    if q[i].pos<=mid then      begin        nq[l1]:=q[i];inc(l1);  //?      end    else      begin        nq[l2]:=q[i];inc(l2);  //?      end;  for i:=l to r do q[i]:=nq[i];  solve(l,mid);  top:=0;  for i:=l to mid do    begin      while (top>=2) and (getk(i,st[top])+eps>getk(st[top],st[top-1])) do dec(top);      inc(top);st[top]:=i;    end;  j:=1;  for i:=r downto mid+1 do  //update    begin      while (j<top) and (q[i].k<getk(st[j],st[j+1])+eps) do inc(j);      f[q[i].pos]:=max(f[q[i].pos],p[st[j]].x*q[i].a+p[st[j]].y*q[i].b);    end;  solve(mid+1,r);  l1:=l;l2:=mid+1;  for i:=l to r do      //?    if ((p[l1].x<p[l2].x) or (l2>r)) and (l1<=mid) then      begin        np[i]:=p[l1];inc(l1);      end    else      begin        np[i]:=p[l2];inc(l2);      end;  for i:=l to r do    p[i]:=np[i];end;begin{main}  readln(n,f[0]);  for i:=1 to n do    begin      readln(q[i].a,q[i].b,q[i].r);      q[i].k:=-q[i].a/q[i].b;      q[i].pos:=i;    end;  qsort(1,n); //sort array q[i].k  solve(1,n); //cdq solve  writeln(f[n]:0:3);end.

测试数据 #0: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 12876 KiB, score = 10

测试数据 #1: Accepted, time = 0 ms, mem = 12876 KiB, score = 10

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Accepted, time = 1810 ms, mem = 12880 KiB, score = 100