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BZOJ1537 [POI2005]Aut- The Bus





离散化的时候偷懒用了map 233


 1 /************************************************************** 2     Problem: 1537 3     User: rausen 4     Language: C++ 5     Result: Accepted 6     Time:780 ms 7     Memory:5412 kb 8 ****************************************************************/ 9  10 #include <cstdio>11 #include <algorithm>12 #include <map>13  14 #define lowbit(x) x & -x15 using namespace std;16 typedef map <int, int> Map;17 typedef Map::iterator ITER;18 const int N = 100005;19  20 struct point {21     int x, y, v;22     inline bool operator < (const point &b) const {23         return y == b.y ? x < b.x : y < b.y;24     }25 } a[N];26  27 Map w;28 int n, BIT[N], tot, ans;29  30 inline int read() {31     int x = 0;32     char ch = getchar();33     while (ch < 0 || 9 < ch)34         ch = getchar();35     while (0 <= ch && ch <= 9) {36         x = x * 10 + ch - 0;37         ch = getchar();38     }39     return x;40 }41  42 inline void update(int x, int d) {43     while (x <= n)44         BIT[x] = max(BIT[x], d), x += lowbit(x);45 }46  47 inline int query(int x) {48     int res = 0;49     while (x)50         res = max(res, BIT[x]), x -= lowbit(x);51     return res;52 }53  54  55 int main() {56     int i, x;57     ITER it;58     read(), read(), n = read();59     for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {60         a[i].x = read(), a[i].y = read(), a[i].v = read();61         w[a[i].x] = 1;62     }63     sort(a + 1, a + n + 1);64     for (it = w.begin(); it != w.end(); ++it)65         it -> second = ++tot;66     for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)67         a[i].x = w[a[i].x];68     for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {69         x = query(a[i].x) + a[i].v;70         update(a[i].x, x);71         ans = max(ans, x);72     }73     printf("%d\n", ans);74     return 0;75 }
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BZOJ1537 [POI2005]Aut- The Bus