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  1 \documentclass[CJK]{beamer}  2   3 %% Copyright 2004 by Yu Haijun <yhj@math.pku.edu.cn>  4 %%  5 %% 这个文件的目的使为了给大家提供一个使用beamer的快速模板  6   7 %%% Local Variables:  8 %%% mode: latex  9 %%% TeX-master: t 10 %%% End: 11  12 \mode<article> % 仅应用于article版本 13 { 14   \usepackage{beamerbasearticle} 15   \usepackage{fullpage} 16   \usepackage{hyperref} 17 } 18  19 %% 下面的包控制beamer的风格,可以根据自己的爱好修改 20 %\usepackage{beamerthemesplit}   % 使用split风格 21 \usepackage{beamerthemeshadow}  % 使用shadow风格 22 \usepackage[width=2cm,dark,tab]{beamerthemesidebar} 23  24  25 %% 这些包是可能会用到的,不必修改 26 \usepackage{CJK} 27 \usepackage{pgf,pgfarrows,pgfnodes,pgfautomata,pgfheaps} 28 \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} 29 \usepackage{graphicx} 30 \usepackage{multimedia} 31  32 %% 下面的代码用来读入Logo图象 33 \pgfdeclaremask{logomask}{pku-tower-lake-mask} 34 \pgfdeclareimage[mask=logomask,width=1.8cm]{logo}{pku-tower-lake} 35  36 \pgfdeclaremask{beidamask}{beida-mark-mask} 37  38 \pgfdeclaremask{titlemask}{pku-lake2-mask} 39 \pgfdeclareimage[mask=titlemask,height=2.5cm]{title}{pku-lake2} 40 \logo{\vbox{\hbox{\pgfuseimage{logo}\hfill}}} %设置logo图标 41  42 %% 定义一些自选的模板,包括背景、图标、导航条和页脚等,修改要慎重 43 \beamertemplateshadingbackground{red!10}{structure!10} 44 %\beamertemplatesolidbackgroundcolor{white!90!blue} 45 \beamertemplatetransparentcovereddynamic 46 \beamertemplateballitem 47 \beamertemplatenumberedballsectiontoc 48 %\beamertemplatelargetitlepage 49 \beamertemplateboldpartpage 50  51 %% \makeatletter 52 %% \usefoottemplate{ %重新定义页脚,加入作者,单位,单位图标,和文档标题 53 %%   \vbox{\tiny% 54 %%     \hbox{% 55 %%       \setbox\beamer@linebox=\hbox to\paperwidth{% 56 %%         \hbox to.5\paperwidth{\hfill\tiny\color{white}\textbf{\insertshortauthor\quad\insertshortinstitute}\hskip.1cm\lower 0.35em\hbox{\pgfuseimage{beida}}\hskip.3cm}% 57 %%         \hbox to.5\paperwidth{\hskip.3cm\tiny\color{white}\textbf{\insertshorttitle}\hfill}\hfill}% 58 %%       \ht\beamer@linebox=2.625ex% 59 %%       \dp\beamer@linebox=0pt% 60 %%       \setbox\beamer@linebox=\vbox{\box\beamer@linebox\vskip1.125ex}% 61 %%       \color{structure}\hskip-\Gm@lmargin\vrule width.5\paperwidth 62 %%       height\ht\beamer@linebox\color{structure!70}\vrule width.5\paperwidth 63 %%       height\ht\beamer@linebox\hskip-\paperwidth% 64 %%       \hbox{\box\beamer@linebox\hfill}\hfill\hskip-\Gm@rmargin} 65 %%   } 66 %% } 67 %% \makeatother 68  69 %\beamersetuncovermixins% 改变遮挡部分在遮挡前后的透明程度 70 %{\opaqueness<1>{15}\opaqueness<2>{10}\opaqueness<3>{85}\opaqueness<4->{2}}% 71 %{\opaqueness<1->{15}}% 72  73  74  75 %% 76 %% 自己的预定义命令和宏放在这里 77 %% 78  79  80  81 %% 82 %% 文档从这里正式开始 83 %%   使用\part,\section,\subsection等命令组织文档结构 84 %%   使用\frame命令制作幻灯片 85 %% 86  87 \begin{document} 88 \begin{CJK*}{GBK}{fs} 89  90  91 \defverbatim\beamerEX{ 92 \begin{verbatim} 93 \documentclass{beamer} 94 \usepackage{beamerthemesplit} 95 \title{Example Presentation Created with Beamer} 96 \author{Till Tantau} 97 \date{\today} 98 \begin{document} 99 \frame{\titlepage}100 \section*{Outline}101 \frame{\tableofcontents}102 \section{Introduction}103 \subsection{Overview of the Beamer Class}104 \frame {105    \frametitle{Features of the Beamer Class}106    \begin{itemize}107        \item<1-> Normal LaTeX class.108        \item<2-> Easy overlays.109        \item<3-> No external programs needed.110    \end{itemize}111 }112 \end{document}113 \end{verbatim}114 }115 116 117 %%118 %% 填写作者,单位,日期,标题等文档信息119 %%120 \title{使用Beamer制作Slide入门}121 \subtitle{Beamer - The~\LaTeX~Document~Class}122 \author{于海军}123 124 \institute[DSEC, CCSE, at PKU]{125   Department of Science and Engineering Computing\126   School of Mathematics School\127   Peking University128 }129 \date[ND,2004]{Development in National Day, 2004}130 \subject{Computer Tools, TeX, Slide}131 \titlegraphic{\pgfuseimage{title}}132 133 %%134 %% 定义框架页135 %%136 \AtBeginSection[]{                              % 在每个Section前都会加入的Frame137   \frame<handout:0>{138     \frametitle{框架}139     \tableofcontents[current,currentsubsection]140   }141 }142 \AtBeginSubsection[]                            % 在每个子段落之前143 {144   \frame<handout:0>                             % handout:0 表示只在手稿中出现145   {146     \frametitle{框架}147     \tableofcontents[current,currentsubsection] % 显示在目录中加亮的当前章节148   }149 }150 151 152 153 \frame{\titlepage}154 155 \section*{提纲}               % section后面加*表示不收录到目录中156 \frame157 {158   \frametitle{\secname}159   \tableofcontents            % 使用这个命令自动生成目录160 }161 162 163 \section{Slide的基本概念}164 165 \frame{166   \frametitle{\secname}167   \begin{description}168   \item[何谓幻灯片]169     所谓Slide就是幻灯片的意思,是一种类似照片底片的透明胶片170   \item[幻灯片的作用]171     帮助演讲者向听众传达文字、图片甚至动画、声音等信息172   \item[幻灯片的优点]173     省去演讲者抄写时间\174     表达更准确,更直观\175     采用计算机,能传达更丰富的内容176   \end{description}177 }178 179 \subsection{Slide的实现方式}180 181 \frame182 {183   \frametitle{\subsecname}184   \begin{itemize}185   \item<+-> 所见即所得的工具186     \begin{enumerate}187     \item Powerpoint188     \item Magick Point189     \end{enumerate}190   \item<+-> 基于\TeX 和PDF的实现191     \begin{enumerate}[<+->]192     \item Beamer193     \item Foiltex194     \item ConTeXt195     \item prosper196     \item pdfscreen197     \end{enumerate}198   \end{itemize}199 200 }201 202 \subsection{\TeX Slide实现的特点}203 204 \frame<1-4>[<+-| alert@+>][label=math]205 {206   \frametitle{\subsecname}207   \begin{enumerate}208   \item 基于PDF文件格式,不需要专门放映工具,流通性强209   \item<+-| alert@2,5> 使用\TeX,处理数学公式方便210     \begin{equation}211       \label{eq1}212       \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{- {x^2} \over 2}\,dx = 1213     \end{equation}214     \only<5>{\hyperlink{jumptofifth}{\beamerreturnbutton{返回}}}215   \item 足够用的动态效果216   \item 纯文本文件,便于处理和传播217   \end{enumerate}218 }219 220 \section{Beamer文件的框架}221 222 \subsection{逻辑和内容的独立}223 224 \frame225 {226   \frametitle{\secname}227   \begin{itemize}228   \item 使用part,section,subsection等命令组织逻辑结构229   \item 使用frame命令组织内容230   \end{itemize}231 }232 233 \subsection{内容和显示效果的独立}234 235 \frame236 {237   \frametitle{\subsecname}238   \begin{itemize}239   \item 使用themes,template,logo改变缺省风格240   \item 使用overlay选项控制临时效果241   \item 通过文档类选项控制输出格式等242   \end{itemize}243 }244 245 \section{Beamer效果演示}246 247 \subsection{逐行显示的实现}248 249 \frame250 {251   \frametitle{\subsecname}252   \begin{itemize}[<+-|  alert@+>]253   \item 这一段在第一个Slide上显示,并被加亮254   \item 这一段在第二个Slide上显示,并被加亮255   \item 这一段在第三个Slide上显示,并被加亮256   \end{itemize}257 }258 259 \subsection{字体和色彩的演示}260 261 \frame262 {263   \frametitle{\subsecname}264   {\textbf<1> 1. \alt<1>{\CJKfamily{hei}这是黑体在第一张上}%可以为中文的字体变换定义一个宏265     {\CJKfamily{fs}这是黑体在第一张上} \\}266   {\textit<2> 2. \CJKfamily{song}这是斜体,在第二张上\\}267   {\color<3>[rgb]{1,0,0} 3. 这些文字是在第3张幻灯片上是红色的,其它是黑色的。\\}268   \only<4>{ 4. 仅在第四张出现。\\}269   \alert<4>{4.alert代表红色\\}270   \structure<5>{5. structure代表绿色\\}271   \alt<6>{6. 仅在第6张}{6. 在1-5张上}272 }273 274 \subsection{换页动态效果}275 276 \frame[<+->]{277   \frametitle{\subsecname}278   \begin{enumerate}279   \item 水平出现效果280     \transblindshorizontal<1>281   \item 竖直出现效果282     \transblindsvertical<2>283   \item 从中心到四角284     \transboxin<3>285   \item 从四角到中心286     \transboxout<4>287   \item 溶解效果288     \transdissolve<5>289   \item Glitter290     \transglitter<6>291   \item 竖直撕开(向内)292     \transsplitverticalin<7>293   \item 竖直撕开(向外)294     \transsplitverticalout<8>295   \item 涂抹296     \transwipe<9>297   \item 渐出298     \transduration<10>{1}299   \end{enumerate}300 }301 302 \subsection{超级链接的实现}303 304 \frame305 {306   \frametitle{\subsecname}307   \hypertarget<1>{jumptofirst}{}308   \hypertarget<2>{jumptosecond}{}309   \hypertarget<3>{jumptothird}{}310   \hypertarget<4>{jumptoforth}{}311   \hypertarget<5>{jumptofifth}{}312   \begin{itemize}313   \item<1-> 使用 \textbf{hypertarget} 命令添加链接目标314     \hyperlinkframestartnext{\beamerskipbutton{略过}}315   \item<2-> 使用 \textbf{hyperlink} 命令添加链接跳转316   \item<3->317     \hyperlink{jumptoforth}{\beamergotobutton{到第4页}}318   \item<4->319     \beamerbutton{到第公式(\ref{eq1})}320   \item<5->321     \hyperlink{math<5>}{到数学公式页}322   \item<6->323     \hyperlink{jumptofirst}{\beamerreturnbutton{回第1页}}324   \end{itemize}325 }326 327 328 \subsection{包含图象}329 \frame{330   \frametitle{\subsecname}331   \begin{itemize}332   \item 使用graphicx包333     \begin{figure}334       \includegraphics<1->[height=2.5cm,angle=0]{pku-logo.pdf}335       \hfill336       \includegraphics<2->[height=2cm]{pku-tower.pdf}337       \caption{\hfill{博雅塔}}338     \end{figure}339 340   \item 使用pgfimage命令 \341     \pgfuseimage<3>{logo}342   \end{itemize}343 }344 345 \subsection{包含视频和音频}346 347 \frame348 {349   \frametitle{\subsecname}350   \begin{itemize}351   \item 视频 \352     \movie[externalviewer,label=mymovie,width=1in,height=0.8in,poster]{\pgfuseimage{logo}}{movie.avi}353 %    \hyperlinkmovie[play]{mymovie}{Play}354   \item 声音 \355     \movie[externalviewer,autostart]{这里有一段mp3}{turky.mp3}356   \end{itemize}357 }358 359 360 \frame361 {362   \frametitle{完}363   \hypertarget{end}{}364 }365 366 \appendix367 368 \section{附录}369 370 \againframe<5>{math}371 372 \frame{ % 由于对包含了verbatim的frame换页有问题,所以我们手工加入一页373   \frametitle{一个Beamer例子文件}374   \beamerEX375 }376 377 \end{CJK*}378 \end{document}



  1 \documentclass[11pt]{beamer}  2   3   4 %% Copyright 2004 by Yu Haijun <yhj@math.pku.edu.cn>  5 %%  6 %% 这个文件的目的使为了给大家提供一个使用beamer的快速模板  7   8 %%% Local Variables:   9 %%% mode: latex 10 %%% TeX-master: t 11 %%% End:  12  13 \mode<article> % 仅应用于article版本 14 { 15   \usepackage{beamerbasearticle} 16   \usepackage{fullpage} 17   \usepackage{hyperref} 18 } 19  20 %% 下面的包控制beamer的风格,可以根据自己的爱好修改 21 \usepackage{beamerthemesplit}   % 使用split风格 22 \usepackage{beamerthemeshadow}  % 使用shadow风格 23 %% 这些包是可能会用到的,不必修改 24 \usepackage{pgf,pgfarrows,pgfnodes,pgfautomata,pgfheaps} 25 \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} 26 \usepackage{graphics} 27 \usepackage{multimedia} 28  29 %% 下面的代码用来读入Logo图象 30 \pgfdeclaremask{logomask}{pku-tower-mask} 31 \pgfdeclareimage[mask=logomask,height=1.5cm]{logo}{pku-tower} 32  33 \pgfdeclaremask{beidamask}{beida-mark-mask} 34 \pgfdeclareimage[mask=beidamask,height=0.25cm]{beida}{beida-mark} 35  36 \pgfdeclaremask{titlemask}{pku-lake2-mask} 37 \pgfdeclareimage[mask=titlemask,height=2.5cm]{title}{pku-lake2} 38 \logo{\vbox{\hbox{\hfill\pgfuseimage{logo}}}} %设置logo图标 39  40 %% 定义一些自选的模板,包括背景、图标、导航条和页脚等,修改要慎重 41 \beamertemplateshadingbackground{red!10}{structure!10} 42 %\beamertemplatesolidbackgroundcolor{white!90!blue} 43 \beamertemplatetransparentcovereddynamic 44 \beamertemplateballitem 45 \beamertemplatenumberedballsectiontoc 46 %\beamertemplatelargetitlepage 47 \beamertemplateboldpartpage 48  49 \makeatletter 50 \usefoottemplate{ %重新定义页脚,加入作者,单位,单位图标,和文档标题 51   \vbox{\tiny% 52     \hbox{% 53       \setbox\beamer@linebox=\hbox to\paperwidth{% 54         \hbox to.5\paperwidth{\hfill\tiny\color{white}\textbf{\insertshortauthor\quad\insertshortinstitute}\hskip.1cm\lower 0.35em\hbox{\pgfuseimage{beida}}\hskip.3cm}% 55         \hbox to.5\paperwidth{\hskip.3cm\tiny\color{white}\textbf{\insertshorttitle}\hfill}\hfill}% 56       \ht\beamer@linebox=2.625ex% 57       \dp\beamer@linebox=0pt% 58       \setbox\beamer@linebox=\vbox{\box\beamer@linebox\vskip1.125ex}% 59       \color{structure}\hskip-\Gm@lmargin\vrule width.5\paperwidth 60       height\ht\beamer@linebox\color{structure!70}\vrule width.5\paperwidth 61       height\ht\beamer@linebox\hskip-\paperwidth%  62       \hbox{\box\beamer@linebox\hfill}\hfill\hskip-\Gm@rmargin} 63   } 64 } 65 \makeatother 66  67  68 %% 69 %% 自己的预定义命令和宏放在这里 70 %%  71  72 %% 73 %% 填写作者,单位,日期,标题等文档信息 74 %%  75 \title{Make~Slides Using~Beamer} 76 \subtitle{Beamer - The~\LaTeX~Document~Class} 77 \author[Yu Haijun]{Yu Haijun} 78 \institute[DSEC, CCSE, at PKU]{ 79   Department of Science and Engineering Computing\ 80   School of Mathematics School\ 81   Peking University 82 } 83 \date[ND,2004]{Development in National Day, 2004} 84 \subject{Computer Tools, TeX, Slide} 85 \titlegraphic{\pgfuseimage{title}} 86  87 \AtBeginSection[]{ % 在每个Section前都会加入的Frame 88   \frame<handout:0>{ 89     \frametitle{Outline} 90     \tableofcontents[current,currentsubsection] 91   } 92 } 93  94 %% 95 %% 文档从这里正式开始 96 %%   使用\part,\section,\subsection等命令组织文档结构 97 %%   使用\frame命令制作幻灯片 98 %% 99 100 \begin{document}101 102 \defverbatim\beamerEX{103 \begin{verbatim}104 \documentclass{beamer}105 \usepackage{beamerthemesplit} 106 \title{Example Presentation Created with Beamer} 107 \author{Till Tantau} 108 \date{\today}109 \begin{document} 110 \frame{\titlepage} 111 \section*{Outline} 112 \frame{\tableofcontents}113 \section{Introduction} 114 \subsection{Overview of the Beamer Class} 115 \frame {116    \frametitle{Features of the Beamer Class}117    \begin{itemize}118        \item<1-> Normal LaTeX class.119        \item<2-> Easy overlays.120        \item<3-> No external programs needed.121    \end{itemize}122 }123 \end{document}124 \end{verbatim}125 }126 127 \frame[plain]{\titlepage} % 产生主题页,plain选项表示不显示页眉页脚等内容128 129 %% \section<presentation>*{Outline}   % 带*号表示不加到目录中130 %% \frame{131 %%   \nameslide{outline}132 %%   \frametitle{Outline}133 %%   \tableofcontents[pausesections]134 %%   \note{At most 1 minute for the outline}135 %% }136 137 \part{Slides Tools}138 \frame{\partpage}139 140 \section{Tools Like Powerpoint}141 \frame[<+->]{142   \frametitle{Tools Like Powerpoint}143   \begin{itemize}144   \item Advantage145     \begin{enumerate}146     \item What you see is what you get147     \item All done in one software148     \item Easy to learn149     \end{enumerate}150   \item Disadvantage151     \begin{enumerate}152     \item Commonly the software is not free153     \item It depand on the software154     \item It‘s hard for much formula155     \end{enumerate}156   \end{itemize}157 }158 \section{\TeX Tools}159 160 \frame[<+-| alert@+>]{161   \frametitle{TeX Tools}162   \begin{enumerate}163   \item Base PDF file164   \item Deal with mathematic formula easily165   \item Professional typeset 166   \item Plain text, easy to reuse167   \end{enumerate}168 }169 \frame[<+->]{170   \frametitle{\TeX\ Slide Tools}171   \begin{description}172   \item[Beamer] A~standard~\LaTeX\ ~Document~ class,\173     Need~ no other post progress program\174     Work with other \LaTeX\ packages smoothly175   \item[foiltex] Work with most of the~available~\LaTeX\ ~commands~and~environments\176     Use Macro $\backslash$Mylogo put some graphic as the logo177   \item[prosper] Automatically generated table of contents, Portrait slides support \178     and possible to include notes in your presentation179   \item[pdfscreen] Create document both fit to read in computer and for print180 % \item[seminar] A simple \LaTeX style designed for seminar presentations.181   \item[TeXPower] A \LaTeX\ style \textsl{texpower.sty}182   \end{description}183 }184 185 186 \part{Guidelines on Making Slides}187 \frame{\partpage}188 189 \section[What to Put on a Frame]{Guidelines on What to Put on a Frame}190 \frame{191   \frametitle{\secname}192   \begin{enumerate}193   \item A frame with too little on it is better than a frame with too much on194     it.195   \item Do not assume that everyone in the audience is an expert on the196     subject matter.197   \item Nerver put anything on a slide that you are not going to explain198     during the talk.199   \item Keep it simple.200   \end{enumerate}201   }202 203 \section[Titles]{Guidelines on Titles}204 205 \frame{206   \frametitle{\secname}207   \begin{enumerate}208   \item Put a title on each frame209   \item The title should really explain things.210   \item Idealy, titles on consecutive frames should ``tell a story‘‘ all by211     themeselves.212   \item In English, you should \textsl{either always} capitalize all words in213     frame title except for words like ``a‘‘ or ``the‘‘(as in a title)214     \textsl{or} you \textsl{always} use the normal lowercase letters.215   \item In English, the title of the whole document should be capitalized,216     regardless of whether you capitalize anything else.217   \end{enumerate}218 }219 220 \section[Body Text]{Guidelines on the Body Text}221 \frame{222   \frametitle{\secname}223   \begin{enumerate}224   \item Never use a smaller font size to ``fit more on a frame‘‘225   \item Prefer enumerations and itemize environment over plain text. Do not226     use long sentences.227   \item Do not hyphenate words. If absolutely necessary, hyphenate words ``by228     hand‘‘, using the command $\backslash$-229   \item Beak lines ``by hand‘‘ using the command $\backslash\backslash$. Do230     not rely on automatic line breaking.231   \item Text and numbers in figures should have the \textsl{same size} as232     normal text. Illegible numbers on axes usually ruin a chart and its233     message.234   \end{enumerate}235 }236 237 \section[Graphics]{Guidelines on Graphics}238 \frame{239   \frametitle{\secname}240   \begin{enumerate}241   \item Put (at least) one graphic on each slide, whenever possible.242   \item Usually, place graphics to the left of the text243   \item Graphics should have the smae typographic parameters as the text244   \item While bitmap graphics, like photos, can be much more colorful than the245     rest of the text, vector graphics should follow the same ``color logic‘‘246     as the main text (like black==normal lines, red==hilighted parts,247     green==examples, blue==structure)248   \item Like text, you should explain everything that is shown on a graphic249   \item 250   \end{enumerate}251 }252 253 \section[Colors]{Guidelines on Colors}254 \frame{255   \frametitle{\secname}256   \begin{enumerate}257   \item Use colors sparsely. The prepared themes are already quite colorful258   \item Becareful when using bright colors on white background,259     \textsl{especially} when using green.260   \item Maximize contrast.Normal text should be black on white or at least261     something very dark on something very bright.262   \item Background shadings decrease the legibility without increasing the263     information content.  Inverse video (bright text on dark background) can264     be a problem during presentations in bright environments since only a265     small precentage of the presentaion area is light up by the beamer.266     Inverse video is harder to reproduce on printouts and on trnasparencies.267   \end{enumerate}268 }269 270 \section[Animations and Special Errects]{Guidelines on Animations and Special Effects}271 \frame{272   \frametitle{\secname}273   \begin{enumerate}274   \item Use animations to explain the dynamics of systems, algorithms, etc.275   \item Do not use animations just to attract the attention of your audience.276     This often distracts attention away from the main topic of the slide277   \item Do not use distracting special effects like ``dissolving‘‘ slides278     unless you have a very good reason for using them.279   \end{enumerate}280 }281 282 283 \part{Make Slides Using Beamer Class}284 \frame{\partpage}285 286 \section{The Features of Beamer}287 \frame{288   \frametitle{\secname}289   Beamer is standard \LaTeX document class, it has following features:\290   \begin{enumerate}[<+-| alert@+>]291   \item Only \LaTeX and pdflatex is need292   \item Retain section structures293   \item Themes and content and indenpent294   \item Easy to use295   \end{enumerate}296 }297 298 \section{Installation}299 \frame{300   \frametitle{\secname}301   \begin{enumerate}302   \item First, copy xcolor, pgf, beamer files in preper texmf directory303   \item Second, Rehash the \TeX configuration304   \end{enumerate}305 }306 307 \section{Workflow}308 \frame[containsverbatim]{309   \frametitle{\secname}310   \begin{enumerate}311   \item Create the structure, using \verb|\part| \verb|\section| \verb|\subsection|312   \item Add Frames and Overlays, using \verb|\frame|313   \item Apply Themes and templates, using \verb|\usepackage|314   \end{enumerate}315 }316 317 318 \frame{ % 由于对包含了verbatim的frame换页有问题,所以我们手工加入一页319   \frametitle{A Beginning File of Beamer}320   \beamerEX321 }322 323 \part{Step by Step}324 \frame{\partpage}325 326 \section{Frames and Overlays}327 \subsection{Overlays}328 \frame{329   \frametitle{Overlays}330   \textbf{Commands of Overlays:}331   \begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>]332   \item $\backslash$onslide$<$\textsl{slide-list}$>$333   \item $\backslash$FromeSlide$<$\textsl{slide-number}$>$334   \item $\backslash$only$<$\textsl{slide-number}$>$335   \item slide specifity after other command, e.g.\336     \hskip 0.5cm $\backslash$textbf$<$2$>$ 337   \end{itemize}338 }339 340 \frame{341   \frametitle{Action of Overlays}342   \begin{enumerate}343   \item<1-| alert@1> alert344   \item<2-| uncover@2> uncover345   \item<3-| only@3> only346   \item<4-| visible@4> visible347   \item<5-| invisible@5> invisible348   \end{enumerate}349 }350 351 \beamerdefaultoverlayspecification{<+-| alert@+>}352 \frame[<+->]{353   \frametitle{Action of Overlays II}354   \begin{itemize}355   \item You can specific action indendent, e.g\356     $\backslash action<\mbox{action-specification}>\{<text>\}$357   \item Set the default action using following command\358     $\backslash beamerdefaultoverlayspecification\{<deault-overlay-specification>\}$359   \end{itemize}360 }361 362 \subsection{Frames}363 %%\frame<overlay-specification>[<default-overlay-specification>][<options>]{<frame text>}364 \frame<presentation>[<+->]{365   \frametitle{Frames}366   \begin{theorem}367     $A=B$368   \end{theorem}369   \begin{proof}370     \begin{itemize}371     \item Clearly, $$A=\int_0^\infty e^{x^2}\,dx$$372     \item As show earlier, $$\int_0^\infty e^{x^2}\,dx=B$$373     \item Thus $A=B$374     \end{itemize}375   \end{proof}376 }377 \frame[allowframebreaks]{378   \frametitle{Frames II}379   \textbf{Options of Frame}380   \begin{itemize}381   \item allowdisplaybreaks=$<$\textsl{break-desirability}$>$382   \item allowframebreaks=$<$\textsl{fraction}$>$ \383     Note: Frame break will has no overlays effects!384   \item b,c,t -- vertically aligned at bottom/center/top385   \item containsverbatim \386     Only one slide of the frame is typeset!387   \item label=$<$\textsl{name}$>$388   \item plain -- cause the headlines, footlines and sidebars to be suppressed389   \item shrink=$<$\textsl{minimum-shrink-percentage}$>$390   \item squeeze -- squeeze vertical spaces.391   \end{itemize}392 }393 394 \frame{395   \frametitle{Commponents of a Frame}396   \begin{itemize}397   \item a headline398   \item a footline399   \item a left sidebar400   \item a right sidebar401   \item navigation symbols402   \item a logo403   \item a frame title, and404   \item some frame contents405   \end{itemize}406 }407 \frame[<+->]408 {409   \frametitle{Hyperlink and Navigation Bars}410   \begin{itemize}411   \item Use \textbf{hypertarget} add hyper link.\412     $\backslash hypertarget<\mbox{overlay-specification}>\{\mbox{target-name}\{\mbox{text}\}$413     \hyperlink{jumptosecond}{\beamergotobutton{Jump to second slide}}414     \hypertarget<2>{jumptosecond}{}415   \item \beamerbutton{beamerbutton}416   \item \beamerskipbutton{beamerskipbutton}417   \item \beamerreturnbutton{beamerreturnbutton}418   \end{itemize}419 }420 421 \section{Color Management}422 \frame[<+->]{423   \frametitle{\secname}424   \begin{itemize}425   \item Change the main color of navigation and title bar \426     $\backslash\mbox{documentclass[red]}\{beamer\}$427   \item Change the average background color \428     $\backslash beamersetaveragebackground\{\mbox{red!}10\}$429   \item Set how to render overlay covered text. \430     $\backslash beamersetunconvermixins\{\mbox{not-yet-list}\}\{\mbox{once-more-list}\}$431   \item Set on which slides covered text should have which opaqueness. \432    $\backslash opaqueness<\mbox{overlay-specification}>\{\mbox{percentage-of-opaqueness}\}$433   \end{itemize}434 }435   436 \section{Graphics, Animations, sounds, and Slide Transitions }437 \frame{438   \frametitle{\secname}439   \begin{itemize}440   \item Graphics \441     \includegraphics<1>{pku-logo.pdf}442     \includegraphics<2>{pku-tower.pdf}443     \pgfuseimage<3>{logo}444   \item Animations \445     \movie[externalviewer,label=mymovie,width=1in,height=0.8in,poster]{}{movie.avi}446 %    \hyperlinkmovie[play]{mymovie}{Play}  447   \item Sound448     \movie[externalviewer,autostart]{Here‘s some music}{turky.mp3}449   \end{itemize}450 }451 452 \frame[<+->]{453   \frametitle{Slide Transitions}454   \begin{enumerate}455   \item Horizontal blinds456     \transblindshorizontal<1>457   \item Vertical blinds458     \transblindsvertical<2>459   \item Moving to the center from all four sides460     \transboxin<3>461   \item Moving from the center to four sides462     \transboxout<4>463   \item Dissolve464     \transdissolve<5>465   \item Glitter466     \transglitter<6>467   \item Split verticalin468     \transsplitverticalin<7>469   \item Split verticalout470     \transsplitverticalout<8>471   \item wipe472     \transwipe<9>473   \item transduration474     \transduration<10>{1}475   \end{enumerate}476 }477 478 479 \section{Customization}480 481 %%482 %% reference here483 %%484 485 \section<presentation>*{Reference}486 487 \frame{488   \transdissolve489   \frametitle<presentation>{Reference}490   491   \beamertemplatebookbibitems492   493   \begin{thebibliography}{10}494     495   \bibitem{TeX}496     Wynter Snow497     \newblock {\em \TeX for the Beginner}.498     \newblock Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992.499     \pause500 501   \beamertemplatearticlebibitems502 503   \bibitem{userguide}504     Till Tantau505     \newblock User‘s Guide to the Beamer Class, Version 2.20506     \newblock {\em http://latex-beamer.sourceforge.net}, April 19,2004507     \pause508 509 510   \end{thebibliography}511 }512 513 514 515 %%516 %% 附录之后的东西将不在正文里出现517 %%518 519 \appendix520 521 \section{Tips and (Dirty) Tricks}522 523 %%524 %% 最后加入一个显示Thank you!!!字样的动画525 %%526 527 \newcount\opaqueness528 \plainframe{529   \itshape530   \animate<1-10>531   \Large532 533   \only<1-10>{534   \animatevalue<1-10>{\opaqueness}{10}{100}535   \begin{colormixin}{\the\opaqueness!averagebackgroundcolor}536     \begin{centering}537       \Huge Thank You!!!\par538     \end{centering}539   \end{colormixin}540   }541 }542 543 \end{document}







